“An unorthodox blend of disciplines and undisciplines”
From the early days of Rosie Lee, this is how we spoke about our work. At the time we had a rebellious, sometimes antagonistic attitude and this phrase wasn’t intended to be easily understood.
But as the years have gone by grown up with this mantra and live it every day. We’re confident that there are large parts of our approach that experts would advise against, but we’re still here 25 years on and still proud of every single project that has made it into our portfolio.
We’ve had our fair share of ups and downs, survived our constantly evolving industry and navigated wider culture and economics; and we’re still here to tell the tale. So that’s what we decide to do - honour our passion for storytelling and tell our story, share our beliefs and offer some advice.
On Unorthodox Blend you’ll find articles, conversations, insights and some of the amazing people in and around our industry that we feel privileged to call our friends. Sometimes we get philosophical and sometimes we talk about cats and dogs, some days we’ll offer advice about how to navigate the creative industries and on some other days we might tell you to steer well clear!
Who is Rosie Lee?
Or should that be ‘What’? We do still get calls from people asking to speak to Rosie.
Rosie Lee is a network of creative units and collaborators that take on briefs from global brands through to individual artisans. We pride ourselves on our connection to culture, attention to detail and our passion for storytelling.
Services include Thought Partnership, Branding, Retail Design, Digital Experiences and Activation Design amongst other things.
Find out more here.
Who are Mark and Russell?
We’re the CCO and CEO of Rosie Lee. We’ve worked together (and argued like brothers) for the best part of 25 years. We both believe in the power of brands, disruption, future technology and most importantly of all relationships.
We’ve built and evolved Rosie Lee with Other amazing people over the years and are always exploring, looking for new ways to show up and offer our thinking and skills to others.
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